La Travesía Sagrada Maya regresa este 20 de mayo. Después de seis meses de entrenamiento, los The Sacred Mayan Journey returns this May 20. After six months of training, the brave canoeists will cross from XCARET to the island of Cozumel and then return to the old port of Polé on May 21.

A few minutes before dawn in front of the Xcaret cove, the powerful sound of the tunkul (Mayan percussion instrument) signals the start of the 10th edition of the Sacred Mayan Journey.
From here, 400 canoeists will depart, men and women who, after months of preparation and encouraged by their warrior spirit, will row in traditional canoes to Cozumel to receive the message of the goddess Ixchel.
On May 20 and 21, live this ancestral tradition that Experiencias Xcaret, together with the efforts of the canoeists, has made possible for 10 consecutive years.